Reality Check

How do you feel when someone breaks your trust? When all of sudden you realize that you matter nothing to the one you use to die for? πŸ’”πŸ˜”

Well that's what life is all about. It's the true & harsh face of life that make you strong & a true learner. Mark my words, never let others know that they're the reason behind your smile or happiness. And if you do so, they'll surely make you regret your decision one day.

Why wait for that one fine & heart wrenching day? Be in yourself, be your own friend, lover, guardian & then experience what mental peace is all about. Otherwise, this cruel world and wicked demons around you'll only upset you, demoralize you, defeat you for no reason!

Live happily, always wear a smile on your face to badly wound your secretive enemies. Trust me it really works. πŸ˜‰πŸ˜‚

Jot down the fact, we're living in 'Kalyug' where real brothers can murder each other for the sake of property. But, I would suggest to keep up with your good works because, if we're in 'Kulyug,' then there is 'karma' as well which pays back, surely pays!

So, Be Wise! Be Alert! Because every minute is a new challenge to live happily. πŸ‘

Signing off for now. Bye! 😊