Kerala- Facing the True Havoc

No matter how rich or poor, nature treats everyone equally. It is the time when we should realize, there's nothing above nature. Where rain is supposed to please everyone, it has devastated many lives in Kerala. Nature has again shown its potential and has left the entire nation in agony and many homeless in Kerala. 

Though there are many disaster recovery management departments, yet unfortunately, no one could perform the needful, when utmostly required. Resulting, around 400 people have died and countless are still missing in rainwater, the state has submerged into excessive rainwater with floating dead bodies of innocents all over the state. Its time the  nation must stand up together and beat this unwelcomed natural mishanter. Consider yourself fortunate enough not to be witnessing any such circumstances in your vicinity and let's step ahead and provide the Kerala natives with whatever we can.

Whether you have the potential to donate an umbrella or proffer food facilities for a day, remember, your one little step can bring a smile on someone's face who will remember it forever.
Check out these links to contribute your part of donation and let's bring back Kerala to life. 

let's unite as a nation and help our brothers and sisters deal with the atrocities in the best way possible.